Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I watched the Yankees final home game, and I cried. I don't live and die with sports any more. I used to, before I had a kid, and this career, and a house, and a community. I even think my past investment in sports was a bit silly, a waste of time, immature.

But how can Yankee Stadium be razed?! I once wrote about the late Ambassador Hotel, 'If the Ambassador can be torn down, anything can be torn down.' That's likely a bit of an exaggeration, Los Angeles boasts landmarks that may be forever safe: the Eastern Columbia building, Capital Records, Bullocks Wilshire, and others. Still, if New York's Yankee Stadium can fall victim to the wrecking ball.....

The first generation of modern ball parks that began with Barney Dreyfuss and Forbes Field in 1909, is nearly gone. In the last two decades, the White Sox dismantled Comiskey, the Indians left Municipal Stadium, and the Tigers abandoned Tiger Stadium. Only Wrigley Field in Chicago and Fenway Park in Boston remain from that defining era.

Dodger Stadium now shockingly ranks as the majors third-oldest active facility, and in the world of professional sports that isn't an endorsement.



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